Reapit Foundations Support

We have finally added support for Reapit Foundations as a private app integration.  There’s a bit of form filling to get this up and running but don’t fear we have a full set of step-by-step instructions here.

More feed support added RTDF, Rex and Loop

It’s been a busy time recently as we have added support for feeds from Loop and Rex Software.  We have also added our own endpoints for the Rightmove Realtime Data Feed (RTDF).  RTDF is a standard defined by Rightmove for real time property feeds into their system which they made public realm.  We have therefore been able to replicate their endpoints so that the same feeds can be received by your WordPress website.

VirtualNeg feed processor added

Today we launched a new feed processor for VirtualNeg whose main product is VNPro

VNPro is an advanced estate agency software that connects all your branches and simplifies all your business processes.

Established in 2004 Virtualneg has been providing cloud based software estate agency software for over 15 years.

10 Ninety and VaultEA feeds added

We are very please to announce the release of feed processing for 10Ninety and VaultEA to our plugin.  We are always looking to add more feed processors to our plugin so if you have any suggestions please let us know.  Typically we can add a new feed in under a week!

Support for Oxygen WordPress theme builder

We are pleased to announce that our latest version off WP Property Feed adds features to support the Oxygen theme builder.  We have been really impressed with the approach and speed of the Oxygen theme builder so naturally had to see how well it worked with our plugin.  Mostly this was a seamless process with one or two stumbling blocks that we have sorted by adding some new features to our plugin.

See our Oxygen Walkthrough to see just how easy it is to get your feed properties up on your Oxygen site.

Elementor support added

We have responded to a number of requests to add support for Elementor page builder and are now delighted to announce that our latest includes that support.  To get the best out of Elementor and WP Property feed you will require the Pro version of Elementor as that adds Theme Builder and Dynamic Tags functionality.  With these available you can now create custom templates for the property search and results listing, individual property templates and drop property specific widgets into any page on your Elementor site.  We have created a walk through in our knowledge base to help you understand how to get the best out of the Elementor page builder.

Elementor Walk Through

We welcome you suggestions for improvements or just general feedback on the integration.  So get playing with Elementor and WP Property Feed now!

Expert Agent Feed Added

Hi in these difficult times of lockdown we have been using our time to bring some additional feeds to our WP Property Feed WordPress plugin.  This month we have release SME Professional for Lettings agencies along with Expert Agent another from the Zoopla family of agency back office systems.  We always welcome any feedback on our integrations and any valuable content that may be missing so please feel free to get in touch and let us know what you need.